Lauren Asher - Redeemed. Dirty Air Series Book 4 (2021)

data: – 20.07.2023, 20:59
Viste: 46
Commenti: 1
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Lauren Asher - Redeemed. Dirty Air Series Book 4 (2021)


Santiago Alatorre
One mistake destroys my career.
I go from most eligible bachelor to monster, hiding from the world.
At least until Chloe breaks into my home.
My new fake girlfriend is a temporary fix to my biggest problem.
But as our game changes, so do my feelings.
There’s only one issue stopping me from claiming her.

Chloe Carter
It all started with a birthday wish, some vodka, and an ancestry kit.
That’s how I end up in Italy, finding my long-lost father.
But one decision lands me a fake boyfriend I don’t want.
The more we pretend, the easier our ruse becomes.
I told myself not to fall in love with a liar like Santiago.
I should have listened.

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  1. | Pubblicato 5 Marzo 2024 16:28


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